Vijay's ardent fans are kicked about his 45th birthday, which falls on June 22. They have already started the celebrations by trending various hashtags related to Vijay's birthday on Twitter. On June 21, at 6 PM, the production house, AGS Entertainment took to social media to announce the film's title and first-look poster. Taking to Twitter, Archana Kalpathi of AGS …
After the massive hit of Sarkar, Thalapathy Vijay moved on to his next film, tentatively titled Thalapathy 63. He posted a photo of director Atlee at his music studio in Chennai with the background reading, 'Thalapathy 63 first song edit.' edit of two songs " It looks like the award-winning composer has completed a majority of his work for Thalapathy …
Vijay's upcoming film Thalapathy 63, directed by Atlee, is slated to release on Diwali 2019. The film is still being shot in Chennai and it was earlier reported that Atlee's crew is busy filming on the huge football set that was constructed on the outskirts of Chennai. There is always a huge demand for the satellite rights of Vijay's film. …