After the success of Sarkar, Vijay is presently busy with the shooting of Thalapathy 63. Directed by Atlee, the film is tipped to be a football-based drama starring Vijay, Nayanthara, Jackie Shroff, Kathir, Indhuja Ravichandran, Vivekh, Daniel Balaji and Yogi Babu in significant roles. The team of Thalapathy 63 is currently shooting in a massive football stadium set, which is …
Actor Jackie Shroff, who has joined the sets of the upcoming movie tentatively titled "Thalapathy 63", describes working with Tamil actor Vijay and the film's director Atlee as fabulous. Asked about being a part of the film, Jackie told IANS over phone from Mumbai: "It's just fab to work with Vijay, who is the son of S. A. Chandrasekhar my …
Much of the details about Vijay's upcoming film with director Atlee is under wraps. Rakesh Gowthaman, the owner of a popular theatre called Vetri in Chennai, has recently met Vijay and had a casual conversation. When Rakesh asked him about the movie, Vijay said that unlike his two previous ventures, the upcoming film will be on a lighter note. Thanks …