Thalapathy Vijay has finally wrapped up the shooting of his next mega-budget flick Bigil, helmed by director Atlee. As the film is getting ready for a grand release on Diwali, Vijay has moved on to his next project, which is tentatively titled Thalapathy 64. The shooting of director Lokesh Kanagaraj's Thalapathy 64 is underway in Chennai. Here are the photos …
Thalapathy Vijay is eagerly awaiting the release of his upcoming film, Bigil, directed by Atlee. While he has finalised Lokesh Kanagaraj for his 64th film, it is rumoured that Vijay will reunite with director Perarasu for the third time. After a couple of days, director Perarasu has decided to issue a clarification regarding his film with Vijay. It is to …