Pedro Pascal revealed that he talks with the funny accent he recently used on Saturday Night Live while filming the post-apocalyptic drama The Last Of Us. Funny accent: Pedro Pascal revealed that he talks with the funny accent he recently used on Saturday Night Live while filming the post-apocalyptic drama The Last Of Us 'This is the way,' he added …
When the Queen first visited Australia in 1954, my mother almost did not get to see her. She has told me the story many times — wearing her brother's cast-off socks to see the Queen. I have thought about Mum and Dad and all of my family, of my people — First Nations people — who die young and live …
Dodgers broadcasting legend Vin Scully, left, stands next to his wife, Sandra, as he thanks fans for attending a street sign dedication ceremony at Dodger Stadium on April 11, 2016. When my husband said, “Yes, and may I ask who’s calling?”, the voice on the other end responded, “Vin Scully!” My husband almost dropped the phone. I was 15, and …
Congress staged a "satyagraha" protest against the Citizenship Act and NRC at Rajghat on Monday in which Rahul Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and others read the Preamble to the Constitution. "Narendra Modi ji, when you get students shot by bullets and when you get them lathicharged, or when you threaten the journalists, then you try to suppress the voice of the …
6 Tips To Quiet Your Inner Critic Enlarge this image toggle caption Tara Moore/Getty Images Tara Moore/Getty Images You have a voice inside your head. "That voice is there for all of us — obviously in varying degrees," says psychologist and author Andrea Bonior. "It's that problem-solving voice that says, 'You will belong if you are special, and you'll be …