Meta chief executive Mark Zuckerberg's new luxury watch has been in the news after it was spotted on his wrist in a recent Instagram video. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg According to a Moneycontrol report, Zuckerberg was sporting the Octo Finissimo Ultra SOSC, the world's “thinnest” mechanical watch from Italian luxury product maker Bulgari. Bulgari's Octo Finissimo Ultra SOSC Here's all …
Earlier this week, Bulgari unveiled the thinnest watch on the planet. Attendees at Watches and Wonders Geneva, who have tried on the new Octo Finissimo Ultra COSC highlight its robust quality despite its 1.7 mm thickness. Bulgari had also updated the Octo Finissimo Automatic Sketch Dial in time for the brand’s 140th anniversary and the compliments were still pouring in. …
It's known for its luxury jewellery and accessories, and now Bulgari has broken world records with its latest device – a watch that is just 0.07 inches thick. The Octo Finissimo Ultra is the world's thinnest mechanical watch and is even thinner than a 10p coin. It's known for its luxury jewellery and accessories, and now Bulgari has broken world …