Apple is reportedly planning to make its thinnest iPhone ever. According to a recent report by Information's Wayne Ma and Qianer Liu, Apple’s development of the thinnest iPhone, tentatively called the iPhone 17 Air, aims to achieve its sleek profile by giving it a single rear camera. In addition to the single-camera setup, the iPhone 17 Air is expected to …
In 2025, Apple is expected to make big changes with new products, upgrades, and AI. iPhone 17 Air: Everything you need to know Design: Rumours suggest that the iPhone 17 Air is expected to be Apple’s thinnest flagship iPhone model. iPhone 17 Air may also come with a new anti-reflective coating making it scratch-resistant. Camera: As mentioned above, the iPhone …
It has only been a few weeks since the launch of the iPhone 16, yet news about the iPhone 17 is already surfacing. Introducing the Thinnest iPhone Recent information from a tipster in South Korea suggests that the iPhone 17 Air, slated for release next year, could become the slimmest iPhone yet. The company is reportedly set to replace the …