After a month of teasing, the first smartphone with an in-display camera, the Honor View 20 has finally arrived in India. The phone starts at a price of Rs 37,999 for the 6 GB RAM model with 128 GB of onboard storage and Rs 45,999 for the top variant with 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage. The View 20 …
LG recently launched its most capable smartphone in years, about a month ago in India, and it is also priced right in the country at Rs 40,000 as compared to other markets, which is why it was hard to recommend elsewhere. One detail that I really admire is how LG’s engineers managed to squeeze in a dual camera setup with …
LG has some nice smartphones in its portfolio. The LG G7+ ThinQ is one such phone, launched without much fanfare but nevertheless a phone that is almost as good as any in the market. The LG G7+ ThinQ comes with the company's ThinQ branding, which means that the phone can be used along with some of the smart products from …