Actors Parvathy Thiruvothu and Nithya Menen on Friday took to Instagram to share identical cryptic pregnancy posts much to the astonishment of their fans. The film also stars Padmapriya Janakiraman, Sayonara Philip, Archana Padmini and Amruta Subhash. Actor Swara Bhasker replied, "OMG sooo many congratulations my lovely," while filmmaker Guneet Monga replied, "OMG! A perplexed Malavika Mohanan was Similarly, Parvathy …
Actors Parvathy Thiruvothu and Nithya Menen on Friday took to Instagram to share identical cryptic pregnancy posts much to the astonishment of their fans. If the industry grapevine is anything to go by, Parvathy is all set for her directorial debut with a project featuring Nithya Menen in the lead. The posts of both Parvathy and Nithya read: “The wonder …
Actress Parvathy Thiruvothu on Friday took the Internet by storm as she shared a photo of a pregnancy kit result and a baby bottle nipple on her Instagram account. However, a section of the internet pointed out that the actress tagged an Instagram profile of a handle which goes by the name ‘Wonder Women Film’ on her post. This made …