Samsung launched its new, powerful smartphones less than a month ago. Samsung has reportedly been throttling the Galaxy S22 in order to keep the performance efficient. And that itself was enough for the Samsung tool to think of it as a gaming app and throttle down its performance. So, it is possible Samsung might have done something in the backend …
Apple is finally issuing $25 to iPhone users who were affected by the deliberate slowdown of their devices back in 2017. The controversy wherein Apple admitted it throttled the performance of iPhone units with ageing batteries reached US courts in a class-action lawsuit, to which the Tim Cook-led company agreed to pay $500 million in settlements. A small piece of …
The FTC in 2014 sued AT&T on the grounds that it failed to inform consumers it would slow the speeds of heavy data users on unlimited plans. The Federal Trade Commission and AT&T Inc reached a settlement agreement on a 2014 case that accused the company of slowing down data sent to wireless devices, a federal court ruling showed on …