Actor Vishal, who is currently basking in the success of Ayogya, has already commenced work on his next project, tipped to be a sequel to his blockbuster film Irumbuthirai. Vishal and Shraddha Srinath will be the lead pair in Irumbuthirai sequel. Last seen in Tamil thriller K 13 in which she played a writer, Shraddha pairs with Vishal for the …
Mysskin is a multi-faceted person and he is now basking in the success of his recently-released flick, Super Deluxe, in which he essayed the role of Arpudham aka Dhanasekar. It is said that he will come up with a sequel to his successful flick, Thupparivaalan, which had Vishal and Prasanna playing the lead roles. Recently, Mysskin met Vishal in Cappadocia …