Assam chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma hit out at the Congress Saturday for a second time in less than 24 hours while campaigning for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in poll-bound Karnataka. Sarma accused the opposition party of trying to make the southern state a 'Popular Front of India valley' and aimed fresh barbs at Karnataka Congress leaders DK Shivakumar …
A row erupted on Monday, after a group of people tried to remove the portraits of Veer Savarkar to install banners of Tipu Sultan at the Ameer Ahmad circle of the city Bengaluru: In Karnataka’s Shivamogga, Section 144 of the CrPC has been imposed after a group of people tried to remove posters of Veer Savarkar to install Tipu Sultan’s …
A controversy linked to Tipu Sultan has once again emerged in Karnataka. Ahead of 75th Independence Day celebrations in Bengaluru, the Karnataka Congress had put up pictures of different freedom fighters, which included Tipu Sultan, but the a poster was vandalised on Saturday night, reported news agency ANI. The state unit of the Congress, according to the report, placed posters …