TIRUCHY: For tribal students from remote villages under Sobanapuram panchayat of the district, commuting to school is a daily challenge. Over 70 students travel about eight kilometres to attend the government high school in Sobanapuram, with some cycling, others relying on parents for lifts, and more than 40 depending on a single government bus that runs twice a day. The …
MADURAI: As the NHAI-38 corridor, connecting Madurai and Tiruchy, continue to be a dumping yard for neighbouring villages, road users have once again raised concerns over the several inconveniences brought on by the issue of waste, including blurred visibility caused by burning waste and dog menace. According to sources, the road users have alleged that Othakadai panchayat has been using …
Karur: At least 110 persons including more than 80 bull fighters injured in four different jallikattu event in Karur, Pudukkottai and Tiruchy districts, where in which hundreds of bulls and bull fighters took part, on Thursday. Official sources told DC that 487 bulls and 287 bull fighters from different parts of the state participated in jallikattu held all over the …