In a plea filed by the makers of the controversial movie 'The Kerala Story' against the alleged 'shadow ban' of the movie in the State of Tamil Nadu, the state of Tamil Nadu has filed a counter affidavit refuting the claims of the makers and stating that they have made deliberate false statements implying that Tamil Nadu has prevented the …
States like Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra in the Supreme Court on Tuesday justified their hardened stand to make COVID-19 inoculation mandatory, even at the cost of denying people their rights, by saying that it was better to err on the side of caution to prevent serious or irreversible harm to the public when there was insufficient information about the virus. …
The Tamil Nadu Government on Saturday challenged a Madras High Court order of May 8 to close liquor shops in the State with immediate effect to maintain physical distancing till the COVID-19 lockdown is lifted or modified. State-run business Tamil Nadu, represented by advocate Yogesh Kanna and State Additional Advocate General Balaji Srinivasan, said liquor retail is owned and operated …
The Central government has said releasing the four foreign nationals convicted of committing the gruesome assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in connivance with three Indian nationals “will set a very dangerous precedent and lead to international ramifications.” In a communication to the Tamil Nadu government, rejecting its request for concurrence to its proposal to grant remission to the …