The common man has the power to change Tamil Nadu’s politics, said K. Annamalai, Tamil Nadu president of Bharatiya Janata Party, in Coimbatore on Sunday. Speaking at the valediction of A3, a two-day conclave, organised by Voice of Covai, he said that in the last three months, a successful actor had entered politics and a “failed actor had become the …
Several farmers resorted to rail roko and road roko agitation in Thanjavur and Tiruvarur districts on Tuesday condemning Karnataka for not releasing Tamil Nadu’s due share of Cauvery water. A group of farmers owing allegiance to Tamil Nadu Vivasayigal Sangam squatted on the railway track in front of the Vasco Da Gama-Velankanni Express train at Thanjavur junction. The farmers also …
The events that followed the brutal murder of Bahujan Samaj Party Tamil Nadu president K. Armstrong, in Perambur on July 5, such as scenes of thousands of distraught supporters thronging his funeral congregation, BSP chief Mayawati’s strong criticism that law and order has suffered in Tamil Nadu while demanding a CBI enquiry, and the last-minute legal battle to bury his …
CUDDALORE: The body of a private school teacher, who went missing on May 18, was recovered in a decomposed state behind Neyveli Township fire station in Villupuram on Monday. According to the police, the victim, K Victor of Andimadam, Ariyalur district, was a science teacher at a private school in Cuddalore. Based on Victor’s last call location, police arrested Datchinamorthy, …
DHARMAPURI : Residents of Alakattu tribal hamlet in Pennagaram taluk urged the Dharmapuri district administration to pave a way to polling stations in the neighbouring village of Erimalai. Speaking to TNIE, S Pasuvaraj, a resident of Alakattu, said, “Recently, the Dharmapuri administration paved roads for the residents of Erimalai and Kottur to ensure successful polling. The elderly and even children …