For a pacer playing only his second white-ball match for Tamil Nadu, C.V. Achyuth’s six-for versus Jammu & Kashmir in the fourth round of the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy was a welcome surprise. Skipper Sai Kishore felt that the inexperienced Achyuth showing that he belongs at this level served his purpose of making Tamil Nadu live up to its potential …
KOCHI: The Kerala High Court has raised concerns over a controversial survey involving questions relating to the Muslim community conducted in the state by an American company in 2010, calling it suspicious and recommending a further probe. The court expressed surprise at a foreign entity conducting a survey in India with questionable intent, and directed authorities to take appropriate action. …
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A mysterious parcel that arrived at the Triplicane police station in Chennai on December 6 created a panic among the policemen after they suspected that the parcel contained explosives inside. In this situation, there was a commotion as a man brought a parcel to the Chennai Triplicane Crime Division Inspector Kalaiselvi at the end of December 5. The man said …