Three half-centurions piloted Tamil Nadu’s efforts on Thursday as the visitor ended day two at 324 for six, 95 runs in the green, against Railways in a Ranji Trophy Elite Group-D fixture at the Narendra Modi Stadium. While TN’s punt on making power-hitter Shahrukh Khan open paid rich dividends, N. Jagadeesan and C. Andre Siddarth’s resolute knocks ensured Railways toiled …
CUDDALORE: The body of a private school teacher, who went missing on May 18, was recovered in a decomposed state behind Neyveli Township fire station in Villupuram on Monday. According to the police, the victim, K Victor of Andimadam, Ariyalur district, was a science teacher at a private school in Cuddalore. Based on Victor’s last call location, police arrested Datchinamorthy, …
ERODE: The District Returning Officer Raja Gopal Sunkara on Tuesday ordered a re-inspection of the connections to the CCTV cameras installed in the strong rooms at Government Engineering College in Chithode after one monitor displaying the feed went blank. In a statement, Raja Gopal Sunkara said, “On Tuesday around 7 am, the CCTV visuals of the strong room where the …
The head of a deceased 10-year-old girl, who was buried over a week ago, went missing from her grave in Chitravadi village near Madhuranthakam in Tamil Nadu’s Chengalpattu district. Based on this complaint, police, in the presence of the district medical department officials and the district revenue department officials, dug the grave open and were shocked to find the girl’s …
In just one week, Tamil Nadu’s count of Ramsar sites, wetlands of international importance, went from just one to 10. Only after witnessing the villagers’ determination did the Forest Department declare it a bird sanctuary in 1994 and the official conservation efforts have yielded excellent results, with over 224 species of birds recorded so far. Then, this sanctuary will be …