Three half-centurions piloted Tamil Nadu’s efforts on Thursday as the visitor ended day two at 324 for six, 95 runs in the green, against Railways in a Ranji Trophy Elite Group-D fixture at the Narendra Modi Stadium. While TN’s punt on making power-hitter Shahrukh Khan open paid rich dividends, N. Jagadeesan and C. Andre Siddarth’s resolute knocks ensured Railways toiled …
TN's Ajith Ram reflects on his challenging performance in the Ranji Trophy final against Chhattisgarh. Despite bowling four wickets on a flat pitch, he found it a rewarding experience. Ram highlighted the importance of length and variation in bowling, emphasizing the need for patience and adaptability on such pitches.
Tamil Nadu’s quest for a third straight Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy title got off to a poor start as the defending champion went down to Chhattisgarh by six runs in its opening league fixture of Elite Group E at the Bharat Ratna Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ekana Cricket Stadium in Lucknow on Tuesday. Chasing 133, TN needed nine off the …