Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal on Thursday said the government is open to offering concessional rates for micro, small, and medium enterprises setting up businesses in industrial townships across the country. Speaking at an event organized by industry body Assocham, Goyal emphasized the government's efforts to simplify business processes, reduce compliance burdens, decriminalize laws, and create a supportive environment …
Bengaluru, the city also known as silicon city or IT-BT city is poised for a significant expansion in its IT infrastructure with the introduction of 89 new IT Tech Parks across 54 sectors over the next few years. These cutting-edge facilities will be strategically located in prominent zones such as the North Zone, Mahadevapura, and Bommanahalli, with anticipated completion within …
Employees process chilies at a workshop of a condiment and seasoning company in Laoling, Shandong province, in May. "Ready-to-eat dishes and instant foods have brought opportunities to the condiment industry," said Liu Jihua, secretary of the condiment branch of the China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal Byproducts. "We need to develop products …
MEXICO CITY — The Zapatista indigenous rebel movement in southern Mexico said in a statement posted Monday it is dissolving the “autonomous municipalities” it declared in the years following the group’s 1994 armed uprising. The Zapatistas led a brief rebellion to demand greater Indigenous rights, and since then have remained in their “autonomous” townships in the southern state of Chiapas, …
Farmers and volunteers wearing red vests pick ripe grapes. The 68-mu vineyard in Hongmiao township in Rong'an county's Shazi village, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region has started to harvest grapes, local media outlets reported on Aug 8. In recent years, Shazi village has been carrying out various measures to increase a farmers' plantation initiative and help them earn more money, such …
2021世界5G大会上,工业和信息化部表示,目前我国已开通建设5G基站99.3万个,覆盖全国95%以上的县区和35%的乡镇,5G终端手机连接数超过3.92亿户。 China has so far built 993,000 5G base stations, covering more than 95% of counties and 35% of rural townships. The number of 5G mobile phone users has exceeded 392 million, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said at the 2021 World 5G Convention. 2021年8月31日,在2021世界5G大会展览现场,一位女士在体验5G虚拟机舱驾驶。(图片来源:中国日报) 【知识点】 5G是第五代移动通信网络的简称。根据国家发改委对新基建范围的界定,5G属于信息基础设施,是数字社会发展的基石。 2017年政府工作报告指出:“全面实施战略性新兴产业发展规划,加快新材料、人工智能、集成电路、生物制药、第五代移动通信等技术研发和转化,做大做强产业集群。”这是政府工作报告首次提到“第五代移动通信技术(5G)”。 “十三五”以来,我国大力发展以5G为代表的新一代信息通信技术创新,并着力推动基础网络设施建设。2019年6月6日,工信部正式发放5G商用牌照,标志着中国正式进入5G时代。 2021世界5G大会围绕“产业”“经济”“创新”等关键词,全面聚焦共建数字基础设施,共创融合生态,共建良好环境,发掘机遇,开拓未来,致力推动产业合作,跨界融合,助力打造5G与其他产业共融共生,蓬勃发展的良好局面。 【重要讲话】 世界正进入数字经济快速发展的时期,5G、人工智能、智慧城市等新技术、新业态、新平台蓬勃兴起,深刻影响全球科技创新、产业结构调整、经济社会发展。 The world has entered a period …