WhatsApp has introduced a new transcription feature that allows users to read the contents of voice messages without needing to listen to them. WhatsApp doesn't provide details on whether the company is using AI to transcribe voice messages into text. Additionally, while the company states that the Voice Transcript feature is initially available only in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian, …
While Apple gave the first look of its iOS 18 in June, the tech giant kept some features a secret until the official release on Monday. Tech experts have found hidden gems in Apple's new iOS 18 that launched shortly after the iPhone 16 this month One feature is the Passwords App, which lets users securely keep their login credentials …
Microsoft launches transcription feature in Word to let people convert their conversations into text, without they having to worry about taking notes and spending hours transcribing the discussion. Transcribe enables users to upload audio or videos that they have recorded outside Word. “It saves valuable time and energy of the users and is integrated into Word helping them focus on …