Khloe Kardashian took to Instagram on Friday to share outtakes from a special day she shared with a fan. The 40-year-old reality television personality — who recently stopped by SEV Laser— treated a lucky young woman to a shopping spree at her Good American store at LA's Century City mall. Khloe Kardashian took to Instagram on Friday to share outtakes …
BTS singer Jin was recently treated to a bowl of ice cream in Los Angeles after a fan spotted him. The singer was 식스플래그에서 사귄 친구가 아이스크림 선물해줌— 방탄소년단 November 30, 2021 The ice cream was a treat from a fan as Jin explained in a post shared on Weverse. BTS fan @btstranslation7 translated Jin’s Weverse post on Twitter …