Tollywood director Trinadha Rao Nakkina, who stirred a controversy after remarks on about actress Anshu Ambani's body, has apologised to the actor in a self-recorded video. Speaking at the teaser launch event of 'Mazaka' movie which starts Anshu Ambani, the Telugu director spoke about the actor's physical appearance which was deemed derogatory, sparking criticism on the social media over alleged …
Some filmmakers and actors deliberately make controversial statements during film-related events to keep the buzz around their movies alive. Director Trinadha Rao Nakkina, known for films like Nenu Local and Dhamaka, is now gearing up for his next project, Mazaka, starring Sundeep Kishan. However, at the film’s trailer launch event, Trinadha Rao sparked outrage with his remarks about actress Anshu, …
Director Trinadha Rao Nakkina needs at least one point in a story to get excited and work on it, the script could take one year to be ready but it doesn’t bother him. I was once a victim of this, after Memu Vayasuki Voccham released, I did two films in quick succession and didn’t work.” Trinadha Rao has no background …