Actor Saurabh Sachdeva is on a roll. And recently, he was seen as Bobby Deol’s brother in Sandeep Vanga’s Animal. He’s a trained actor and mentored artists like Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, Richa Chadha, Raghav Juyal, Kubbra Sait, Dulquer Salmaan, Tripti Dimri, Avinash Tiwary Jacqueline Fernandez, Vani Kapoor, Asha Negi, Shakti Mohan, Rithvik Dhanjani, and Mandana Karimi. The actor recently …
Netflix series Bulbbul has received immense love from the audience. There is Tripti Dimri’s personification of a criminal-hunting witch and strong roles portrayed by Paoli Dam, Rahul Bose, Parambrata Chatterjee and Avinash Tiwary. It is Trpti Dimri's doppelgänger from Bangladesh and her resemblance with the Bulbul actress has surprised everyone. Farah Tasneem Rangan's latest pictures on social media have surprised …
Embracing self-love is among many things that have changed for actor Tripti Dimri after she played a woman who grows from innocence to strength in the recently released "Bulbbul", in which her performance soars like the bird the film draws its title from. The 26-year-old actor said she initially felt suffocated playing the younger Bulbbul as she herself was a …
The first trailer of Anushka Sharma’s latest production, Bulbbul is out and it is sure to scare you. While the trailer sketches a scary set up with haunting music and edgy narrative, it also underlines certain social issues including child marriage and abusive landlords. Anushka shared the trailer and wrote, “#Bulbbul - Official Trailer What if our childhood bedtime stories …