Shah Rukh Khan and his family were spotted at the birthday bash of filmmaker Amritpal Singh Bindra in Mumbai on Saturday. While Shah Rukh decided to avoid paparazzi once again, his wife Gauri Khan was seen arriving, dressed in a bright yellow outfit. Others seen arriving for the party were Qala actor Tripti Dimri, filmmaker Karan Johar, businesswoman Navya Naveli …
Kangana Ranaut has watched Babil's debut film, Netflix original Qala, and showered praises on director Anvita Dutt and lead actors Babil and Tripti Dimri. Kangana Ranaut praises Babil and Tripti Dimri for their new film Qala. Kangana wrote in a series of Instagram Stories that she posted Wednesday morning, "#Qala is a great film, it's not your usual three-act structure …
Anushka Sharma, who was most recently seen in a cameo in Tripti Dimri-Babil Khan's "Qala", says she had a great time portraying an actor from the black-and-white era in the latest Netflix film. Anushka left many surprised with her special appearance in the song "Ghodey Pe Sawaar" from Qala, produced by her brother Karnesh Ssharma. The actor, whose last big-screen …
Anushka Sharma reviews Qala: Triptii Dimri and Irrfan Khan's son Babil Khan who are basking in the success of their psychological drama 'Qala' and are receiving a lot of appreciation for the performance. In the movie, Anushka was seen in a black-and-white montage as a 1940s actor lip-syncing in the 'Ghode Pe Sawaar' song, which was sung by Tripti Dimri's …
Irrfan Khan's son Babil made his Bollywood debut with Qala on Friday. At the special screening of the Netflix film on Thursday, Babil Khan got a big hug from Irrfan's frequent collaborator and friend, Tabu. Good luck Babil.” Another said, “This made me cry, this is so emo to watch them.” One more fan reacted, “That's Babil?? Awwww.” Babil's mom …