The Patna High Court on Wednesday set aside a notification by the Bihar Government which allegedly discriminated amongst State Government employees and Judicial Officers concerning the date of grant of increment after promotion/appointment/financial degradation. The Court, however, said that Judicial Officers of the State would be entitled to receive the increment on two dates in a year instead of one, …
Rylan Clark has revealed that he was at risk of being kidnapped in South America as he filmed raunchy new show Dating Naked UK. Rylan Clark has revealed that he was at risk of being kidnapped in South America as he filmed his new kinky show, Dating Naked UK The TV presenter, 35, who hosted sex-positive relationship advice show Sex …
A matchmaker has revealed her '12 date rule' to help singles find their perfect match. Matchmaker Maria Avgitidis said when dating the key is to get to know someone before having sex to understand if you truly like them or not The 12 date rule doesn't require going on 12 physical dates - it could simple be a 20-minute phone …