The People’s Legal Forum, Tamil Nadu Chapter, has filed a petition before the permanent Lok Adalat in the Nilgiris, seeking action against the Udhagamandalam Municipality for what it claims was unfinished work along the road between Tamizhagam guest house and the combined court complex in Udhagamandalam. Speaking to The Hindu, K. Vijayan, Director of the Tamil Nadu chapter of the …
There is a saying among the residents of Udhagamandalam that a local can reach the centre of the bustling hill town from any of the hills that surround it in less than 20 minutes if they know the right shortcuts. The shortcuts, known commonly as “bridle paths” were part of the town’s planned infrastructure by the British to ensure that …
Snaking its way up the steep Coonoor slopes, the engineering marvel that is the more than 125-year-old Nilgiri Mountain Railway line has become one of the primary drivers of tourism in the picturesque hill district of Udhagamandalam. One of the oldest mountain railway lines in India and among the three mountain railways that still run in the country, the 46.6-kilometre …