Mumbai: Even as the enforcement directorate investigates the alleged Urban Land Ceiling scam in the Mira Bhayander municipal corporation, another alleged irregularity in the transfer of development rights worth ₹265 crore has come to the fore. ED probe sought into clean chit given by former MBMC chief in TDR scam The matter pertains to former MBMC commissioner Dilip Dhole giving …
HYDERABAD: The Telangana High Court gave approval to the state government to take back about 11.5 acres of surplus land worth Rs 500 crore in Survey No.s 74, 75 and 76 of Fathenagar at Balanagar Mandal from two companies, Electrical Meters and Transformers and AP Electrical Equipment Corporation. A division bench of Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan and Justice C.V. Bhasker …
Visakhapatnam: Continuing his attack on Rajya Sabha member V. Vijaya Sai Reddy and his associate for trying to grab 15.65 acres of Daspalla land worth over Rs 2,000 crore, Jana Sena leader and GVMC corporator P.L.N. Murthy Yadav said the land owner Rani Kamala Devi was entitled to only 5,400 square yards but the group that was led by Vijaya …
Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court faulted the authorities for declaring a piece of land as urban land ceiling surplus land after putting up notices under the ULC Act, against a person who was long dead. Moreover, without issuing any enquiry notice to an interested and affected party, who had purchased the said land in 1980 from the deceased person and …