Anju, the Indian mother of two children who travelled to a remote village in Pakistan, married her Facebook friend on July 25 after converting to Islam and now has a new name, Fatima. The 34-year-old Indian woman was staying at her Pakistani friend Nasrullah’s home in the Upper Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. "Nasrullah and Anju's marriage was solemnised today …
Indian woman Anju, who legally travelled to a remote village in Pakistan's Upper Dir district, got married to Nasrullah of Deer Bala. According to Upper Dir District Police Officer Mushtaq Khan, Anju came to Pakistan from India for the sake of love and has been "living happily" in her new home. READ | 'Mentally Disturbed, But Not Involved In Any …
A married Indian woman who travelled legally to a remote village in Pakistan to meet her Facebook friend has reportedly converted to Islam in order to marry her friend. "Anju is on a visit to Pakistan and we have no plan to marry," Nasrulla had told PTI over the phone from village Kulsho in the district, some 300 km from …