Atlanta CNN — On a warm September afternoon, Mona Scott sat on the front porch while her home baked like an oven. “So, it’s very important that we are at the table.” Na'Taki Osborne Jelks, assistant professor of environmental and health sciences at Spelman College, discusses Spelman's role in NOAA's Urban Heat Island campaign on September 4, 2021. People like …
A recent study from IIT Kharagpur called “Anthropogenic forcing exacerbating the urban heat islands in India” noted that the relatively warmer temperature in urban areas, compared to suburbs, may contain potential health hazards due to heat waves apart from pollution. We study the difference between urban and surrounding rural land surface temperatures, across all seasons in 44 major cities from …
As South Australia endures record-breaking heat, some parts of Adelaide are feeling it more than others. Key points: Urban heat islands are areas of a city that accumulate more heat than others A report finds such areas often coincide with higher levels of higher vulnerability Experts say more needs to be done to keep temperatures down In metropolitan Adelaide, some …
We all know that greenery is important to combat global warming, but researchers have found that just more green space cannot help to lower temperature everywhere. Urban heat islands are a phenomenon where the temperature in a city is noticeably higher than in the surrounding rural area. Scientists at ETH Zurich have researched urban heat islands across the globe and …