Superstar Salman Khan has shared a video of himself dancing to the tunes of "Urvasi urvasi" with dance icon Prabhudheva. Actor Kichcha Sudeep of "Eega" and filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala are also seen shaking legs with the "Dabangg" star in the video shared on Twitter on Tuesday. ""Urvasi Urvasi" is a Tamil-language song, which was later dubbed into Telugu and Hindi …
Actor Salman Khan has become quite regular on the social media and has been keeping his fans entertained one candid video at a time. Salman shared the video of himself shaking a leg beside Prabhudheva, South actor Sudeep and producer Sajid Nadiadwala and captioned it, “Dance class from the master himself.. Prabhu Deva.” Salman starts late but makes an effort …