Dhrupad, the pristine musical form of Hindustani classical music, is derived from the ancient chhand-prabandh gayan. With gurus such as Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar and Zia Fariduddin Dagar, the Dhrupad Kendra was run by Bharat Bhavan under the insightful guidance of Ashok Vajpeyi, who now looks after the Raza Foundation. Opening with raag Yaman, Saurabhbrata played detailed aalap-jod-jhala and a …
Jody Stecher is one of the very few Dhrupad exponents of the sursingar, the baritone predecessor of the sarod. His collection of instruments also features the beautiful sursingar that originally belonged to Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar, his guru Jody Stecher is a two-time Grammy finalist for traditional American folk music. His collection also features the beautiful sursingar that originally belonged …