Actor Nayanthara and her husband-filmmaker Vignesh Shivan have been sharing pictures and videos from their Saudi Arabia trip. Nayanthara hugs her kids Taking to his Instagram Stories, Vignesh shared a clip from inside a car. Vignesh, Nayanthara attend Saudi Arabian Grand Prix Vignesh also shared several clips as he attended the event with Nayanthara. Vignesh wishes Nayanthara on Women's Day …
Actor Nayanthara and her husband-filmmaker Vignesh Shivan dismissed divorce rumours as they shared pictures from their trip. Nayanthara, Vignesh dispel separation rumours Now, taking to her Instagram Stories on Thursday, Nayanthara shared a picture with her "boys". In the photo, Nayanthara and Vignesh sat next to each other, holding their sons Uyir and Ulgham in their arms. Couple share pic …