Chandrika Gera Dixit, aka Vada Pav Girl, who is now also a Bigg Boss OTT contestant, first shot to fame after her video of selling vada pavs at a stall in Delhi's Sainik Vihar went viral on social media. Since she became popular, numerous videos of her selling vada pavs and getting in brawls with people caught the attention of …
Fusing two cuisines is not an easy task and a recent tweet going viral on social media for not so enticing reasons might just make you lose your appetite. Mixing the classic French croissant and the staple Mumbai snack, vada pav, a tweet posted the picture of croissant vada pav on Wednesday and netizens want to save the two distressed …
Yes, 2020 was bad. Rahul Passi, a Twitter user, went crazy viral in June after he posted a picture of Chocolate Maggi that he had cooked at home. Well, a Twitter user clearly thought it wasn't because he tried out a combination of Masala Chai ice cream with sugar laced paratha. Vada Pav in mud," is the caption that a …
You have heard of Gulab Jamun Pizza and Sabzi made of the famous Indian sweet also. While a section of Twitter is willing to taste Gulab Jamun Pav, most others dismissed the 'dish' at the first go. Some also said, "Don't spoil vada pav please". Lazysaurus Polem who's scared of wind gusts December 10, 2019 Yuck Shyam Mishra December …