MDMK general secretary Vaiko on Wednesday alleged that the ruling BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government at the Centre had deceived the people of Tamil Nadu by not allocating funds to Tamil Nadu in the Union Budget 2024. Speaking at a protest organised by the party to condemn the Union government for not allocating funds to the State, Mr. Vaiko said, …
MDMK founder Vaiko on Monday, February 26, 2024, urged the Tamil Nadu government to obtain an injunction in the Supreme Court to restrain the Andhra Pradesh government from going ahead with its proposal to construct a check dam across the Palar river. In a statement, Mr. Vaiko referred to the statement by Andhra Pradesh’s Forest Minister about the proposal to …
Tirunelveli: MDMK general secretary known for his seditious speeches against Indian integration on the Sri Lankan Tamil issues and on projects that he despised earlier, warned on Saturday that Tamil Nadu would go separate if the Central government permitted construction of Karnataka's Mekedatu dam across river Cauvery, and also passed the Dam Safety Bill 2018. Stating that around 25 lakh …