"Vanchana" is a film that explores the darker side of justice, exploring the challenges of truth and morality. Despite its modest budget, "Vanchana" packs a strong punch with its engaging storyline, impressive performances, and technical excellence. With its captivating narrative, outstanding execution, and thought-provoking themes, "Vanchana" will keep you hooked until the very end. Overall, "Vanchana" is a thought-provoking film …
Vanchana, a thrilling courtroom drama, is set to hit theaters on November 8th. The film stars Uma Mahesh, Surya, Rajendra, RK Naidu, and Sony Reddy and is directed by Uma Mahesh Marpu. The film is a sensitive portrayal of a complex story about a murder in Araku. The teaser has garnered a positive response, and the first copy is ready …