Hours after actor Sheezan Khan was granted permission to travel abroad for the upcoming season of Khatron Ke Khiladi, late actor Tunisha Sharma's mother Vanita Sharma strongly reacted against the decision of the show makers. Recently, Maharashtra's Vasai court allowed police to return Sheezan's passport to him with travel permission for Khatron Ke Khiladi 13. Reacting to the news of …
Tunisha Sharma's mother Vanita Sharma has said that Sheezan Khan and his family used to force Tunisha and made her do things she didn't want to. Vanita made fresh allegations against Sheezan and his family in a new interview and said that she did not like pets, but Sheezan's family got her daughter a dog. Sheezan Khan dated his Ali …
Tunisha Sharma's mother Vanita Sharma reacted to statements made by Sheezan Khan's mother Kehekshan Faisi, and dismissed allegations that she would take all the money from the late actor. Denying allegations of Sheezan’s mother that she took her daughter's money, Vanita said she transferred ₹3 lakhs to her daughter in three months, and her bank statement would prove the same. …