The Bombay High Court on Thursday directed immediate medical examination of 81-year-old Varavara Rao, lodged in Taloja jail in the Bhima Koregaon case, to ascertain whether he needs to be shifted to Nanavati Hospital. Elaborating on his medical condition, Sr Adv Jaising said that on May 15, Rao was shifted to Taloja jail hospital. Then what is the harm in …
The Bombay High Court on Thursday, 12 November, ordered an immediate medical examination of 80-year-old poet-activist Varavara Rao by doctors from the super-speciality Nanavati Hospital. Rao is accused of having Maoist links and being involved with Maoist plots across the country, and as a result is one of the 16 activists arrested in the Bhima Koregaon matter, which is being …
Activist Varavara Rao, who has been arrested and in jail in Maharashtra in the Elgar Parishad case, was admitted to Nanavati hospital, Mumbai early on Sunday. National Human Rights Commission issued notices to the Maharashtra government on Friday for giving proper treatment to Rao. As he required neurological and urological treatment, he was shifted to the private Nanavati Hospital in …