“In the last 10 years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rule, people had mostly lost many things rather than gaining anything,” Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Udhayanidhi Stalin said on Thursday. Campaigning for Congress candidate in the Kanniyakumari Lok Sabha constituency Vijay Vasanth and C. Tharahai Cuthbert, the Congress nominee in the Vilavancode Assembly by-election at Thuckalay here, …
Abortion Foetus has no separate identity from its mother; Women can't be forced to undergo pregnancy at risk of physical and mental trauma. Indira Jaising v. Supreme Court of India, 2023 LiveLaw 425 : AIR 2023 SC 3009 : 8 SCC 1 Supreme Court Constitution Bench upholds the validity of All India Bar Examination - Recongizes the right of Bar …
A Access to Justice Fundamental right of Access to Justice - Abolition of OAT does not violate right of access to justice as cases will be heard by High Court - The fundamental right of access to justice is no doubt a crucial and indispensable right under the Constitution of India. Animal Welfare Board of India v. Union of India, …
VISAKHAPATNAM: Former minister of Andhra Pradesh and senior Congress leader Vatti Vasanth Kumar passed away in Visakhapatnam during the early hours of Sunday. Local Congress leader Govinda Raju said Vasanth Kumar had left active politics after the state bifurcation and settled down in Rushikonda area of Visakhapatnam. “It is a personal loss for me,’’ former minister and senior YSRC leader …