Gurugram: After dodging police for 11 years, a man accused of murder was arrested in Faridabad’s Ballabhgarh on Friday, police said. Gurugram, India-April 08, 2023: A Faridabad police team arrested a 42-year-old man who had been allegedly absconding in a murder case for the last 11 years was finally arrested in Delhi’s Dwarka, in Gurugram, India, on Saturday, 08 April …
Gurugram: Continuing with its trend of renaming important junctions and stretches in the city, the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram has now officially changed the name of Vatika Chowk on Sohna Road to Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk. Gurugram, India - May 22: Municipal Corporation Gurugram placed a board at Vatika City Chowk renaming it as Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk on Gurugram-Sohna …