Hyundai India has launched the facelifted 2020 Hyundai Verna with prices starting at Rs 9.30 lakh ex-showroom and going up to Rs 15.09 lakh ex-showroom. The first is a naturally-aspirated petrol, 1.5-litre, four-cylinder engine that puts out 113 bhp of power and 144 Nm of torque. It also gets a 1.5-litre diesel engine with 113 bhp of power and 250 …
Hyundai India updated the Verna for 2020 with new set of BS-VI engine options as well as major cosmetic updates that will heat up the C-segment sedan market in India as it looks to take on the likes of Maruti Suzuki Ciaz, Honda City, Volkswagen Vento as well as Skoda Rapid. Hyundai is offering five transmission options with the 2020 …