Actor Viineet Kumar Singh, who plays the lead role in zombie horror show Betaal, has said he was experimenting with the new Red Chillies’ web series and added that he will not choose project in fear of what people will say. Viineet Kumar Singh plays an army officer in Betaal. If people can see Wasseypur in Sirohi’s character or Mukkabaaz …
It is often believed that the first break opens all doors. Viineet Kumar got his first break with Manjrekar’s Pitaah, but the doors opened only in 2012. I knew then that I was on the right path.” ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ became the calling card Kumar needed, but the parts he was hungry for were eluding him still. That’s what prompted …
Shah Rukh Khan on Saturday announced a contest for budding filmmakers to shoot a scary movie indoors, keeping in mind the nationwide lockdown In an innovative way to promote his upcoming production venture, web-series Betaal, superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Saturday announced a contest for budding filmmakers to shoot a scary movie indoors, keeping in mind the nationwide lockdown. After …
Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment have released the first look of Betaal, an upcoming horror series. The first look of Shah Rukh Khan-produced Indian original series, Betaal, has been released by Netflix. Billed as a zombie-thriller series, the feature stars Mukkabaaz fame actor Viineet Kumar, Aahana Kumra Suchitra Pillai, Jitendra Joshi, Manjiri Pupala, and Syna Anand. Check out the first …
I keep looking for Viineet Kumar before realising the Mukkabaaz actor is already seated in front of me, ready for our interview on the sets of Netflix’s India Original Bard of Blood. In the seven-episode spy drama based on Bilal Siddiqui’s 2015 book of the same name, Viineet plays Veer, a RAW intelligence officer who was sent on a covert …