Netflix and Red Chillies Entertainment have released the first look of Betaal, an upcoming horror series. The first look of Shah Rukh Khan-produced Indian original series, Betaal, has been released by Netflix. Billed as a zombie-thriller series, the feature stars Mukkabaaz fame actor Viineet Kumar, Aahana Kumra Suchitra Pillai, Jitendra Joshi, Manjiri Pupala, and Syna Anand. Check out the first …
Mukkabaaz breakthrough star has come aboard for the biopic Saand Ki Aankh, which will chronicle the story of world’s oldest sharpshooters Chandro and Prakashi Tomar Mukkabaaz breakthrough star Viineet Singh has joined the cast of biographical drama, Saand Ki Aankh. The film, which will chronicle the story of world’s oldest sharpshooters Chandro and and her sister-in-law Prakashi Tomar, will feature …