Congress candidate from Kerala’s Alathur constituency Ramya Haridas has filed a police complaint against CPM’s A Vijayaraghavan for making ‘sexist’ and ’lewd’ remarks against her. Congress candidate from Kerala’s Alathur constituency Ramya Haridas on Tuesday filed a police complaint against Left Democratic Front convenor A Vijayaraghavan for making “sexist” and “lewd” remarks against her. While addressing an LDF rally in …
Thrissur: LDF convener A. Vijayaraghavan, who made a derogatory comment against Ramya Haridas, UDF candidate in Alathur, will face the music with Ramya filing a complaint against him at Alathur DySP office on Tuesday. Vijayaraghavan, who is also CPM’s central committee member, had allegedly made lewd and sexist remarks against her during the LDF campaign meetings held in Ponnani and …