Vijay Sethupathi’s Viduthalai Part 2 released in theatres on December 20. One of the X users wrote, “Viduthalai part 2 with the banger screenplay, political satire movie, positive reviews for Vetri - VJS - Soori combo,” while another wrote, “A VETRIMARAN 'S CULT CLASSIC Film. He is #VetriMaaran climax peak.” A third user chimed in and wrote, “A VETRIMARAN 'S …
The much-anticipated trailer for Merry Christmas has been released, featuring Katrina Kaif alongside Vijay Sethupati. Director Sriram Raghavan, in the Merry Christmas trailer both Hindi and Tamil, showcases his distinctive approach to the narrative, introducing suspense and surprises that captivate the audience. #SriramRaghavan brings his oodles of suspense yet again in the form of #MerryChristman stars #KatrinaKaif and #VijaySethupathi that …