As Ganeshotsav festivities begin, the first look of ‘Lalbaugcha Raja’ was unveiled in Mumbai on Monday. After two years of celebrations being marred by restrictions necessitated by the Covid pandemic, the government of Maharashtra, a state which is known for its grand Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations, had decided not to impose any restrictions on the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations starting August 31. …
Ravi Teja, who took to Twitter to wish his fans on Vinayaka Chaturthi, also unveiled the first song from his next film Khiladi. RAVI TEJA UNVEILS FIRST SONG FROM KHILADI ON VINAYAKA CHATURTHI Ravi Teja promised his fans a Khiladi update on September 10 and today, the actor unveiled the first song from the film. Wishing his fans on Vinayaka …