Mumbai: Bahujan Vikas Aghadi members, led by Hitendra Thakur, clashed with BJP representatives at Virar East after BVA activists and Nalla Sopara MLA Kshitij Thakur alleged that BJP general secretary Vinod Tawde had arrived with ₹5 crore to distribute to their candidate Rajan Naik. Let there be investigation into the allegations they are making.” The confrontation unfolded at Hotel Vivanta …
The Election Commission filed three FIRs against Maharashtra's BJP general secretary Vinod Tawde after he was accused of distributing cash for votes in Palghar district by the Bahujan Vikas Aghadi. In a video, BVA workers can be seen storming into the Vivanta Hotel in Nalasopara during a meeting between the BJP leader and the BJP's candidate from Nalasopara Rajan Naik. …