Vinta Nanda has filed a complaint against Alok Nath today at the Oshiwara police station, Mumbai. Vinta had accused actor Alok Nath of raping her almost 19 years back in a heart-wrenching Facebook post on October 8. Alok Nath had filed a defamation case against Vinta Nanda seeking Re 1 as compensation on Monday. But the sessions court has reprimanded …
Actor Alok Nath has filed a defamation case against Vinta Nanda, the writer and TV producer who recently alleged that the veteran actor sexually harassed and raped her in the 90s. In her post, Nanda alleged that Alok Nath harassed her sexually, following which he was taken off the show. The #MeToo movement gained momentum in India after Tanushree Dutta …