Television actress Ashita Dhawan, who played the role of Malti in TV show Bidaai, has come out in support of her co-star and veteran actor Alok Nath. She doesn't agree to Vinta Nanda's allegations against Alok and defends him by saying that these claims are completely false. Nanda, writer-producer of the ahead-of-its-time 1990s' show Tara, has accused Alok of sexually …
#MeToo wave has hit the film and TV actor Alok Nath with full force. After writer-producer Vinta Nanda and a woman crew member of Hum Saath Saath Hain, actress Sandhya Mridul has accused Nath of sexual harassment and shared a harrowing account on her social media account. The actress wrote how Nath during the shooting of a telefilm in Kodaikanal …