Announcing an anticipatory bail for veteran actor Alok Nath, the Mumbai sessions court observed that filmmaker Vinta Nanda, who had accused the former of sexual assault and rape, “did not lodge a report immediately after the incident for her own benefit”. In an order dated 5th January, judge SS Oza noted that the complainant “remembered the entire incident but did …
The Indian Film and Television Directors' Association has issued a notice to veteran actor Alok Nath, seeking his stand on the sexual harassment and rape allegations made against him by producer and writer Vinta Nanda. We have already drafted a notice which is to be issued to Alok Nath because Vinta Nanda is also a very respectable member of IFTDA." …
Navneet Nishan had also accused Alok Nath as an ‘alcoholic fool’ after a fight ensued between the duo on the sets of Tara in 1994. In the wake of sexual harassment and rape allegations levelled by filmmaker and writer Vinta Nanda on actor Alok Nath, news has surfaced that the lead actress of television serial Tara, Navneet Nishan, sued Nath …
Filmmaker Vinta Nanda Monday alleged that leading TV actor Alok Nath had raped her in her home, sexually harassed lead actress of her 1990s TV show Tara and got her sacked when she complained. In a long Facebook post, Nanda, who did not name the actor but virtually identified him as being “known as the most #Sanskaari person in the …