TV actor Ashiesh Roy, who has featured in shows such as Kuch Rang Pyar Ke Aise Bhi, Sasural Simar Ka and Bymokesh Bakshi, took to Facebook to ask for financial help. Sasural Simar Ka actor Ashiesh Roy is unwell. A person called Conica Halder, writing on behalf of Asheish, replied and said, “On behalf of Ashiesh Roy.thanks to all my …
A Mumbai sessions court has rejected actor Alok Nath’s wife’s application for an injunction order against writer Vinta Nanda, who has accused the actor of rape. Vinta Nanda registers an FIR against Alok Nath at Oshiwara Police Station in Mumbai. As for the matter, if it has come out, it will be stretched.” Nath’s wife filed an application seeking an …
Facing allegations of sexual harassment, Minister of State for External Affairs MJ Akbar has taken a legal course to prove his innocence and has filed a defamation case against the journalist Priya Ramani in Delhi’s Patiala Court. Union Minister MJ Akbar files criminal defamation case in Delhi’s Patiala House Court against journalist Priya Ramani, through his advocates Karanjawala & Co. …