Arunachal Pradesh witnessed a groundbreaking development in education as the remote Tirap district introduced the state's first smart government school, Digi-kaksha. STATE-OF-THE-ART INFRASTRUCTURE AND IMMERSIVE LEARNING Digi-kaksha stands out with its cutting-edge infrastructure, featuring a 4K HD interactive Android teaching board, a first-of-its-kind project in any government school in the state. A PROMISING FUTURE FOR DIGITAL EDUCATION IN ARUNACHAL PRADESH …
Editor’s note: This is the first part in a series about women and the workplace. It took one Susan Fowler to quit Uber, get a new job and then blog in a detailed fashion about her horrendous experience at Uber. Fowler’s post gave another female engineer — AJ VAndermayden from Tesla — the courage to write a detailed blog post …
The Vishakha guidelines affirmed that sexual harassment of women was common and resulted in violation of their fundamental rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. Centre for Transforming India study showed direct connection between lack of knowledge about the complaint mechanism within the organisation amongst women and low reporting of sexual harassment. Therefore mandatory presence of an …